If a tooth needs to be restored, Dr. Mitchell Olson may recommend a dental crown in Bloomington, Minnesota. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over the entire visible part of a tooth.
When is a dental crown needed?
Our dentist may recommend a dental crown to:
– Protect a weak tooth from breaking
– Restore a broken tooth
– Strengthen a tooth with a weakened enamel structure
– Restore a tooth that had extensive decay
– Restore the structure of a tooth that has had root canal therapy
– Improve the appearance of a tooth
– Cover a dental implant
– Anchor a dental bridge
What should I expect during placement?
If there is not much natural tooth remaining, our dentist may first build up a foundation to support the dental crown. The tooth enamel of the crown is then shaped to allow room for the dental crown in your smile. Impressions are made of the tooth and the surrounding teeth so that the dental crown can be custom made. When your dental crown is complete, Dr. Mitchell Olson will examine the fit and color. The dental crown will be permanently bonded into place after any needed changes have been made.
We welcome you to contact Olson Dental Care at 952-884-1308 today to learn more and to schedule your next visit with our dentist.